We usually think of bullying as something that is between kids on the schoolyard. It is so easy to dismiss as an isolated issue, yet purposefully hurting someone is a human trait that is not limited to some developmental stage. There are interactions that often happen with a twinkle in the eye, provoking little thought (or guilt). Sometimes they are like paper cuts, stings that are easily overlooked or minimized by the outside world. Other times, they feel like deep wounds gashed into the soul.
Each time permission is granted to be hurtful, we slip into a slumber where cruelty is as comfortable as a pair of slippers. I have been seeing many common forms: comments on internet sites that publically shame without any accountability, disclosing confidences that remove the power of a person to have control over his/her vulnerabilities, or feeling justified in punishing another person so s/he feels bad but is not necessarily given tools for change.
It is imperative that we help one another recognize the various ways we can crush joy, self-esteem, and dreams so we never forget that there is a tender heart beating beneath every breast. The following link is an instance of such an act of courage. Shane Koyczan describes interactions that seem common place, yet highlights the consequences with such poetic power, it leaves the listener with haunting images. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa1iS1MqUy4&feature=share Please take time to hear this impassioned- hopefully it can help all of us live practicing a little more kindness.