by Tania Henderson | Sep 29, 2012 | Communication, Relationship, Uncategorized
One of the things I appreciate is when someone asks great questions about a concept to ensure the principles fit with personal experience and values. One such situation just happened around the idea of boundaries, “If having healthy boundaries means becoming clearer...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 26, 2012 | Anxiety, Body Image, Eating, Uncategorized
Lady Gaga recently shared a photo of herself clad in a yellow lingerie bikini and disclosed an eleven year battle with body dysmorphia, bulimia, and anorexia. I appreciate her willingness to share something so...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 19, 2012 | Self-care, Self-esteem, Uncategorized
The following is an article about the damaging affects of being around complainers: Please note that a complainer is not the same as someone who is going through a hard time...
by Tania Henderson | Aug 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
Thanks to the Barb Suder, parish nurse at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, I can share an opportunity to learn about changes in health care. See below for details: Overview of THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT and how it effects YOU When: Saturday September 15, 2012 10:00 – Noon...
by Tania Henderson | Aug 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
I have recently heard some comments made reflecting ongoing confusion about what Obamacare means to the average person. This not only effects medical care but also mental health services. No longer can you be denied for having previous struggles that has been billed...
by Tania Henderson | Aug 7, 2012 | Abuse, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
The following is a woman’s brave account of surviving five years of abuse at the hands of a pedophile. Rather than focus on the abuse itself, she does a beautiful job of highlighting the devastation caused by such an act, especially how it transmits to other...