A Thought-Provoking Idea

The following link is a brief blog about a new take on thoe who experience depression.  Instead of seeing this as a form of pathology, they are suggesting that there may be another viewpoint.  People struggle with depression may be able to acceptance of one’s...

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is one of the most insidious ways one person can cause harm to another human being.  Through constant jibes directed at one’s self-esteem, even the most confident person can be broken down over time.  Sometimes it is obvious, like name calling...

The Secret To Desire

The following link is a Ted Talk presented by Ester Perel, a world renown sex therapist. She has traveled to over twenty countries to gain perspective about what keeps desire alive in a long term relationship. Not only does she highlight her three major findings, she...

Holiday Survival

It is a common phenomenon in times of stress or struggle to turn our priorities upside down and alienate ourselves from the very things that can sustain us.  We then operate out of deficiency rather than from a place of fullness and plenty.   We will see the impacts...
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