by Tania Henderson | Oct 16, 2018 | Anxiety, Communication, Depression, Relationship, Uncategorized
The following article does a wonderful job highlighting how a thought is not to be taken at face value but something to be worked with. Instead of letting the mind run amok with negative self-talk, the author gives a step-by-step approach to address this tendency...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 26, 2018 | Abuse, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
It is hard to fully describe the reactions emerging since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford made sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Clients, friends, colleagues and I share disgust as we watch waves of cruelty crash down on Ford for...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
I was thrilled to learn that Colorado State University requires each student to participate in a class on sexual consent before being able to participate in their community. A segment involved watching a video which covered the topic using an analogy of sharing a cup...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
“This may have turned my life upside down but it will never define who I am nor break my spirit.” To the brave women who are fighting or have fought breast cancer- there is no question that this battle is a big deal. It seeps into every aspect of life and...
by Tania Henderson | Sep 10, 2018 | Forgiveness, Relationship, Uncategorized
Yes, it’s another article on forgiveness, but this time, the message is intended for those who have been wronged. I have seen so many people struggle to move on after an incident, feeling guilty that they have some kind of character flaw that keeps them stuck. Yet,...
by Tania Henderson | Aug 28, 2018 | Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
The following is a wonderful summary of a common experience among trauma survivors. The author, Bessel Vander Kolk, is a highly respected authority on trauma, known for his research and application of treatment modalities. As I have already heard from several...