by Tania Henderson | Sep 26, 2018 | Abuse, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
It is hard to fully describe the reactions emerging since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford made sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Clients, friends, colleagues and I share disgust as we watch waves of cruelty crash down on Ford for...
by Tania Henderson | Aug 28, 2018 | Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
The following is a wonderful summary of a common experience among trauma survivors. The author, Bessel Vander Kolk, is a highly respected authority on trauma, known for his research and application of treatment modalities. As I have already heard from several...
by Tania Henderson | Jul 19, 2018 | Abuse, Anxiety, Communication, Depression, Grief, PTSD, Relationship, Trauma, Uncategorized
I don’t think it is any great mystery that a major factor in a healthy relationship is good communication. What is not typically emphasized is that what we don’t say can be just as important as what comes out of our mouths. A messy, escalated conversation where we...
by Tania Henderson | Jun 21, 2018 | Abuse, Communication, PTSD, Relationship, Trauma, Uncategorized This article seems well-timed after post on different kinds of trauma. As Chloe Dykstra’s courageous disclosure explains, emotional abuse is an insidious process...
by Tania Henderson | May 28, 2018 | Abuse, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
I was seven years old, sitting on top of the monkey bars and starring down at my shoes. My pony tail was in knots after spending recesses pretending the gravel was hot lava and jumping around on the jungle gym until our flying horses cold swoop down and take us to...
by Tania Henderson | Apr 25, 2018 | Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, Happiness, PTSD, Self-care, Trauma, Uncategorized
Of all the tools I use to help clients, nothing beats “belly breathing”. Over and over again, I have seen someone highly upset or feeling out of control, enjoy some relief by taking few minutes to slow down and fully fill their lungs. The impact can even be felt...