by Tania Henderson | Jan 25, 2012 | Therapy, Uncategorized
A client recently sent me this link, highlighting the decision making process around a diagnosis. In particular, this article focuses on the recent consideration that bereavement may no longer be excluded from the criteria of...
by Tania Henderson | Jan 16, 2012 | Anxiety, Depression, Forgiveness, PTSD, Trauma, Uncategorized
Sometimes life is hard. A universal reality is that we all have dark times marked by pain and struggle, yet we often don’t realize that along this time in our journey there are certain mental snares that crop up. When they take hold, they distract us with meanings...
by Tania Henderson | Jan 7, 2012 | Abuse, Trauma, Uncategorized
Thank you to all who listened to the show Friday, hoping to hear about bullying in step-families.Here is a link that allows you to listen at your leisure: . Some ideas that you can look forward to hearing:...
by Tania Henderson | Nov 22, 2011 | Communication, Uncategorized
When engaged in heated discussions, we often focus on what personal baggage we bring or what old messages might be getting in the way. The following article, written by Kathy Benjamin, highlights that there are other biological factors to consider as well. Many...
by Tania Henderson | Nov 20, 2011 | Eating, Uncategorized
This is the time of year when there is more permission than ever to stuff ourselves silly. There are parties that bring all kinds of culinary delights, neighbors toting plates of cookies and good cheer, and Grandma who made that traditional dessert from the old...